By 00111220011
Republicans are stupid
By FrankAziza
Globe and Mail publications review of this movie say it malicious, potentially dangerous and a piece of religious and political propaganda.
What’s really dangerous is the media spin on anything that doesn’t support their political agenda. This movie is a true story, written by a woman who was responsible for assisting in 22,000 abortions. She was probably a hero to the people at Globe and Mail publications before she seen something to make her stop the killing.
This is a good movie….An abortion scene was so powerful that I had to hit the pause button on my remote control so I could leave the room to gather myself. It blew me away. For the first time in my life I felt ashamed to be an American. It’s a holocaust of the unborn. Over 50 million babies killed in America alone since Roe v Wade.
Hopefully Apple won’t ban my review for not fitting their political beliefs
Terrific watch
By Antler hunter
Sad at times but powerful at others. A true account of what really happens behind the doors at an abortion clinic.
By Rob SLP
This film smacks of the real Truth that "the other side" just can't bear to face or admit! It's about the BABY, a separate innocent life! All pro-abortionists were born of a mother who did not decide to kill them even if they were "an inconvenience" or "unwanted"/"unplanned." Wwhen did our world turn so numb and blind as to approve barbaric practices??? Watch this movie!
The movie the left doesn’t want you to see
By Conservative FI guy
This movie was excellent. Great actors telling the truth about planned parenthood. Gut wrenching to say the least
Every one needs to watch this
Everyone Should See This Film
By Phseago
I believe everyone should see this film, really brings out the truth of what Abortion is about
By Chandler Klebs
I have always been Pro-Life and I lost a lot of people in my life after I started speaking about the abortion topic. I have never been one who others listened to but if there is anyone we should listen to, it's Abby Johnson herself. She is proof that people really can make a change for the better no matter how long they have been invested in the lie. I definitely recommend this movie for anyone because it tells the truth. Only the strong of heart and mind will be willing to see it, but those people make get hope from this story.
By #ok👌🏾
My church youth group watched this movie, and I think everyone enjoyed it. It was hard to watch but it’s so true, definitely recommend watching this
Hateful propaganda
By Expired Certificate
This movie is not based off any factual events after careful research. You’ll find the testimony of the sole witness is flawed and unfounded.