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Ip Man 4: The Finale - Movie - TVDorks
Ip Man 4: The Finale

Ip Man 4: The Finale

By Unknown

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2019-12-25
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 45min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: Mandarin Films
  • Production Country: China, Hong Kong
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,970 Ratings


Donnie Yen reprises his role as the legendary Wing Chun master in the grand finale of the revolutionary martial arts series. Following the death of his wife, Ip Man travels to San Francisco to ease tensions between the local kung fu masters and his star student, Bruce Lee, while searching for a better future for his son. From the action visionary behind Kill Bill and The Matrix, witness the heroic sendoff to the saga that inspired a new wave of martial arts movie fans.




  • Racist

    By Gadsden1776
    Franchise went “woke” and hates on white people. Too bad, the earlier movies were great.
  • shows damage of hate

    By Boll Weevill
    …portrayal of feeble minded characters in this last movie are like a poke in the eye ; this plot does show how effective propaganda is used to make hate that destroys the trust in community. ip man confronts racism with sacrifice of himself, and by doing so shows how its necessary to confront fascist ideas directly and not permit them to fester amoung us. it is the simple, feeble minded characters that make this point clear and likely offensive to some. ….i like the movie. but the protagonists in this one are especially hateful kind of like listening to opinions of fauxNews anchors
  • Chinese Communist propaganda on high...

    By Onitafmw55
    Wow take the most woke American made film or TV show. This makes it seem centrist by comparison. Stupid story too. Kid is a trouble maker. Send him to the USA. Thanks. Of course by the end there is no place like home. Acting ranges from serious for the Chinese to corny goofs for anyone else. Making it feel very uneven. Fight scenes are good. Visuals can be pleasant. Just too much agenda to wade through.
  • Still great

    By Mono2k12
    The fighting is still amazing and the story bittersweet. The characters are cartoonishly over the top. The racist sergeant, the evil rich white guy and his hysterical Karen wife, and the spoiled cheerleader are so over the top it’s almost funny. Still I enjoyed the film but it does have a noticeable anti white undertone which is honestly, at least historically, somewhat deserved. It’s a shame to think that this kind of portrayal is what regular Chinese people might think about me as an American. Still I love Donnie Yen and the film is entertaining and has a decent message about the importance of family and community even if I was uncomfortable with the portrayal of the antagonists.
  • Propaganda. Racist Film.

    By enDunamis
    The film is clearly intended to reinforce anti-American sentiment. What a shame to make such arrogant use of such a great franchise.
  • Entertaining Escapist Martial Arts

    By Omnipotentud
    I was expecting a moderately entertaining action film, however this one holds together quite well with excellent acting, a lightweight but fun story line, and enough eye-candy martial arts to keep it upbeat and fun. It’s well balanced with a complex plot with several subplots interspersed with skillful action sequences that don’t go on too long, like in some other movies. I don’t have much experience watching martial arts films, but this I found to be good entertaining escapism, obviously not to be taken seriously.
  • Great movie

    By samabdel
    Well done written . Highly recommended

    By postremo
    The martial arts in this film is good, but it pales to insignificance. This is 100% a propaganda piece that is entirely unsuitable for any young minds. You’re crazy if you let your 13 year old child watch this, unless of course you’re living in China and want him to hate America and Americans.
  • Not worth it

    By Super awesome dumb name
    If you like the first 3 movies then you will hate this. Horrible story, cheesy dialogue, rough editing, crap acting.
  • Great movie!

    By Faraz mir
    Love it! All of it! The movie doesn’t portray all whites as racists. However I bet the racists whites are giving all the one stars here. And they give high rating to mean girls!

