Love In the Time of Cholera

Love In the Time of Cholera

By Mike Newell

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2008-03-18
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 18min
  • Director: Mike Newell
  • Production Company: New Line Cinema
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 380 Ratings


Based on Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novel and adapted by Academy Award-winning screenwriter Ronald Harwood (The Pianist), Love In the Time of Cholera is one of the world’s most romantic stories. The drama traces the job-like vigil of Florentino Ariza (Javier Bardem), who waits for more than half a century to claim the hand of Fermina Daza (Giovanna Mezzogiorno), the woman he loves.




  • Wonderful movie!

    By RodCaballero
    Great representation of the true essence of the characters of the book. Magnificent scenery, photography and soundtrack. Will certainly recommend it!
  • Love it

    By solarsea
    I think this is a great film. It's even greater if you've read the book and get a more in depth look into the character's though processes. I thought it was very well cast, especially Giovanna as Fermina. And the music is really nice. I adore this film. Perhaps I love it because I read the book, but that's also a reason I hear people say they hate this film. To me, I thought it was beautifully done, and you really have to decide for yourself if Florentino is just yearning for love of one woman, and finding a way to assuage his pain, or if he's just an oddball. Be open minded, this isn't a traditional love story by any means.
  • A piece of art destroyed

    By SoNgs I LoVe
    If you are a lover of the novel, please do yourself a favor and do NOT watch this movie!!! It turns a beautiful piece of art, a masterpiece, into a movie that is not even worth a dollar a day rental from redbox. I understand that as always, a movie can never fully express the full depth and detail of a novel but the movie wasn't even remotely close. If you haven't read the book then you have missed out on the true passion, love, heartache and joy that the book captures with such ease and simplicity. READ the book and I promise you will not be disappointed.
  • Kudos to Mike Newell for a beautifully filmed epic love story

    By legal-eagle-for-music
    I'm giving Mike Newel an A+ for even taking on the herculean task of bringing this novel to the screen!! This movie is a screen adaptation of the 1985 Spanish novel by Columbian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez. And boy, is Marquez one artistic, poetic, free wheeling writer. And remember, the original novel was in Spanish. And yes, the novel is somewhat slow and rambling. But one has to remember that Marquez's book is about love, and about the many kinds of love. If you watch this movie, don't think of it as a simple story about one character pining his life away over a lost love--for 50 years!! Instead, watch it by trying to discover and identify the many kinds of love that the author reveals throughout the book. (Jealous love; spiritual love; lustful love, etc.) They're all there! What I loved most about this film was the feel of the movie: coming from the combined effects of the art direction, the cinematography, and musical score (yes, that's Columbian recording artist Shakira singing in the movie!!!). There was a very real beauty to the film. The countryside, the city, the lifestyle portrayed, and just the feel of the period. The movie was so well done that it had the feel of an epic. Very well done. And for this I congratulate director Mike Newell. For this reason alone I watched the movie twice. Of course, the cast was also stellar and first class all the way. My only criticism there would be in the choice of the Italian actress Giovanna Mezzogiorno to play the lead character. (Couldn't they find a Columbian actress?) I found her at times to be stilted or emotionless. I would have chosen another actress-someone with more dramatic beauty and passion. (Paging Penelope Cruz!) I'd recommend this movie to a "patient" and open-minded viewer with an appreciation for epic filmmaking. The love story between the two characters didn't touch me so much as the director's skill and the beauty and setting of the film itself. This is a case where I will be interested to view more of director Mike Newell's movies.
  • The Book is LIGHTYEARS better!

    By trustmeimanenglishmajor
    This movie does not totally ruin Gabriel Garcia Marquez's glorious work, but it comes close. I locked myself away and once I finished his book I rented this movie... and was disappointed to say the least. Do Not Waste Your Money!! Please go to your nearest bookstore and pick up a copy of Love in the Time of Cholera. You will not regret it.
  • Not worth the time or trouble.

    By lsap79
    It's a ridiculous, horrific notion to spend one's entire life pining after something that does not exist. While the soundtrack and cinematography are beautiful, the story is awkwardly told and I just felt sorry for Florentino, not sympathetic. I thought him an utter fool. I'm a hopeless romantic, the first in line to love a story about unrequited love, but this was just tragic, because his love was not returned in the same way.
  • I expected it to be GOOD...

    By KlumsyK
    Forbidden love that turns into unrequited love. Really?? REALLY?! Wow, that's ... really .. sad? I am not insensitive to the profound value of classic plot structures. But the problem with this movie is that it's not very good. I've never read the book but the movie feels like a soap opera. The settings look contrived. The acting is mediocre. Even Javi Bardem can not do much despite his great talent and depth. I'm sorry! If you liked the movie that's cool and I respect your taste, but I thought it was very hard to get into.
  • This is...

    By Sle
    literally one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Take my word for it. I don't even want to talk about it.
  • Excellent Adaptation!

    By alisonkitty
    I typically don't enjoy movies based on books that I have loved, but this is the exception. Possibly the best movie adaptation I have ever seen; not perfect, but VERY true to the heart and soul of the novel. Bravo!
  • Great Story

    By jlf422003
    Since the beginning until the end the plot was very solid. I have not regret about this movie.

