The Fountain

The Fountain

By Darren Aronofsky

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2009-06-22
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Darren Aronofsky
  • Production Company: Regency Enterprises
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,817 Ratings


Yesterday, today, tomorrow. Past, present, future. Through time and space, one man embarks on a bold 1000-year odyssey to defeat humankind's most indomitable foe: Death. Hugh Jackman plays that man, devoted to one woman (Rachel Weisz) and determined to protect her from forces that threaten her existence. His quest leads him to a Tree of Life...and to an adventure into eternity. Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream) directs, continuing his string of imaginative, involving filmmaking with a tale alive with ideas and filled with astonishing vistas. "Not many films can blow your mind and break your heart at the same time, but this one will" (Drew McWeeny, Ain't It Cool News).





    By Cye J.
    The fountain is the type of film that comes along only once in a great while. This film peers into the darkest and most beautiful places existing within the human condition. The organic visuals keep your eyes fixated on every frame, while Clint Mansell’s score takes you even deeper still, into this one of a kind love story. Not only love between humans but of love between creator and creation!
  • Deeply Philosophical

    By Bionicsurfer
    Over many lifetimes, a man in love finally writes the ending to their story.
  • Pure Love

    By Azrael69x420
    I will omit I fell asleep the first time watching the movie. However now that I understand the esoteric and/or gnostic teachings throughout the movie. I love the movie it’s my favorite Hollywood movie.
  • How to Understand The Fountain

    By The Open Mix
    The Fountain is a metaphorical triple narrative which uses comparative mythology to triangulate a path of spiritual enlightenment which the modern ego can grasp. Many old religions have lost their value in modernity, causing their lessons to fall on deaf ears -- a problem referenced in a scene in which the main character, Tommy, is audibly closed off to the world around him while "Divine Words" are written literally everywhere on the screen. Such a modern state of mind may benefit from the intentional juxtaposition, alignment, and mingling of the literal and the psychologically affective nonliteral, in order to dawn an understanding of hidden, ancient spiritual truths. A key line in the film is "I am going to die, and we will live forever," in which the main character has accepted the preconditions of life and embraced the death of the ego in favor of giving back to the tree of life and dissolving the individual self. Each narrative metaphorically alludes to this spiritual truth similarly as the Temple, the Tree of Life, and the Cure are all located in the middle of Father Avila's triangle.
  • An intellectual film that will go over the heads of many

    By XingSanchez
    I've seen this a million times, and I've always loved it. I think the abstract nature of the film will go over many, and it did so with so many critics too. This film is deep, philosophical, and emotionally intense. If it bores you, then you missed something.
  • Thought-Provoking

    By James9791
    This is a movie that you have to watch twice to really appreciate. That said, it suffers from uneven and poor direction. There are parts of the movie that feel as though the production was rushed. Also Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz were not the right choices for this film. This movie could have been a lot more.
  • Together We Will Live Forever

    By DTSullivan
    This movie left me at a loss for words. My father origianaly showed me this movie when I was 12 years old, and I have watched it at least once every year since. This movie inspired to me start writing a journal for my thoughts every time I encountered an expirience like this. This movie tells of an emotional conflict throughout the reoccuring lives of two individuals, and is one of the most moving and saddest movies I have every watched. Every time I rewatch it, I learn something new. The score by Clint Mansell is beautifully written, and the use of cinematography is some of the best I have ever seen. This movie's take on spiritual and intellectual enlightenment is perfect, while its dabble into Mayan culture is well-done. I also watch two movies, that are like this, but deal with separate experiences. I recomend anyone who liked the concept of this movie to watch Cloud Atlas, while I also recomend anyone who enjoyed the emotionally-jarring part of this movie to watch Requiem for a Dream.

    By 14JANUS14
    This is one movie I could not hang on to tightly. So I watched it a few times. The title of my review is a bit of a pun if you look at it like I did at first, using this line from a movie so different but oh well, the movie is "Total Recall". I know ha-ha, but it works. Every Actor really gave it a go. It is so very emotional wow! And entirely up to the viewer to pull~out any meaning, knowledge and message there may be. Date~Night movie, YIKES! I suppose it just depends.
  • I was six when this movie came out

    I was six years old when this movie was released and I watched it with out my parents knowing. I told them the next week that I had watched a rated R movie. They were quite discontented or disgruntled until I had them view it. And they then became happy that I had watched because they thoroughly enjoyed the action packed drama science fiction film so much. I would recommend this to kids who are six years old with the reading level of a 12th grader (like I was) and to anybody who enjoys science fiction. Or really likes Hugh Jackman
  • Cinematic Perfection

    By bryanoutside
    This movie inspired me to become a filmmaker.

