Miss Kobayashi lives a normal life until she befriends a dragon named Tohru. The two end up living together and make a unique arrangement: Tohru serves as Kobayashi’s very own live-in maid! In the human form of a cute girl, she starts working as a maid dragon. She takes care of usual things like cleaning the house and cooking, but doing typical human things can still be a challenge for a dragon!
Title | Time | Price | ||
1 | The Strongest Maid in History, Tohru! (W | 25:19 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
2 | Second Dragon, Kanna! (We're Totally Spo | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
3 | Start of a New Life! (That Doesn't Go We | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
4 | Kanna Goes to School! (Not That She Need | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
5 | Tohru's Real World Lessons! (She Thinks | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
6 | Home Visit! (And Homes Not Visited) | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
7 | Summer's Staples! (The Fanservice Episod | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
8 | New Dragon, Elma! (She's Finally Appeari | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
9 | Sports Festival! (There's No Twist or An | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
10 | Troupe Dragon, on Stage! (They Had a Tro | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
11 | Year End, New Year! (No Comiket Bit This | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
12 | Tohru and Kobayashi's Impactful Meeting! | 23:49 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |
13 | Emperor of Demise Arrives! (It Was the F | 24:04 | USD 1.99 | Buy on iTunes |