Outside world brought inside of Survivor
By monkeydogentertainment
Why did they have to let the outside world inside Survivor.
I had to FFWD through so much that I doubt I got my $$ worth.
I’d never create an alliance due to color of skin - that is called “exclusive racism”.
As a minority myself, I was disgusted to see this happening. What if White people did that on the show?
Awesome Season
By Country Guy4587
While the obvious has been said, the game play was good. I really enjoyed all the twists, won’t spoil if you haven’t begun the season, but man they are great, some shocking. This is the main reason I never miss a new season of Survivor, you never really know what is to come the next time the tribes see Jeff. Can’t wait for the new season.
Why not 0 stars?
By Smalls_444
Pathetic and disgusting. I want my money back now.
Fantastic Season
By Nato15676422457
A great season with an amazing cast!
Get woke go broke
By Cody8877
Been with this show since 2000 and while I understand things change and there are many people different views/ different ways of life. It is great to have a mix of all types of people BUT BUT it is so deliberate and in your face, it’s sad.
Where is 13?
By Norman and Ethel
Did I miss something? We bought the season pass but still don’t have episode 13. Is it not included?
Definitely won’t be buying the pass again!!!!
Don’t buy tv shows on here!!!!
By JTrainnor
Unless you aren’t in a hurry, tv shows usually don’t upload until the next day OR TWO DAYS on iTunes. Big bummer.
28 Days really?
By Pandobotz
One of the worst seasons in survivor history. Splitting episodes into two because they didn’t film a whole season? Among many other reasons, this season is garbage.
Don’t give up - It gets better :)
By ♥snickerdoodle♥
Although this series had a rough start for many reasons, don’t worry and don’t give up my fellow Survivor fans! By episode 3 the show seems to have gone back to the old Survivor we know and love. There was no more breaking of the 4th wall (which I found really annoying), the new twists stopped being confusing/unexplained and are now fun (I love the new 3-way idol requiring silly secret phrases), the game play felt less chaotic, and politics were no longer a major focus. Overall, so far I’m glad I didn’t give up on my favorite show (I almost did) because I really enjoyed episode 3 and I feel like the Survivor I love is officially back.
Still going strong
By MichélaAbert
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