A modern day, comedic adventure that imagines Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn as grown men, still searching for the hidden treasure that has eluded them since childhood.
By Highway_61
It was a 99-cent rental--exactly 98 cents too much.
Crazy, Quirky, Hilarious Film!
By Tranque
This film is nuts. Completely unexpected. Pay close attention to the ingenious dialogue. Some of the funniest stuff is in the sneaky throw-away lines that are easy to overlook. If you liked What We Do In Shadows, you'll probably enjoy this.
this is great
By SBFans
this is such a great movie, honestly. i couldn't stop watching it ever since it first came out. good job to matthew and the rest of the cast, this is hilarious!
By Vwm17
I laughed so hard I cried when I watched this movie last night and that hasn't happened in a very long time. I thought the story was smart, the actors fresh, the dialogue snappy and the premise original. What more can you possibly want? Seriously recommend!
A Quirky Pleasure
By jhd.
This Cohen-esque caper is better cast, acted, and shot than almost anything else of similar budget and scope. A fun and generally lighthearted tale tinged with darkness, loss, and regret. Laugh-out-loud funny in unexpected ways, resting largely on the shoulders of actor/director Adam Nee, whose take on Tom Sawyer embodies the mischief of the childhood character in new ways. Absolutely worth the time.
So bad that I fell asleep
By Worst movie ever! A waste
This movie is horrible, absolute garbage, do not waste a penny on this crap.
Why you should watch this movie
By Jessi Rose
I'm not usually a movie person. I'm really picky about movies. It takes a lot for me to really like one, however, I love Band of Robbers.
It's my kind of humor. The actors and actresses are great. The whole movie is quirky and wonderful. I bought it and was lucky enough to see it in theaters. Highly recommended.
I love this movie
By Malice K
I adore this movie and the clever adaptation the brothers made. It's perfect and the quality of the cast and crew really shows. I wish I could see this in theaters.
MGG is love, MGG is life
By taylorashking
Matthew Gray Gubler is my queen
New Favorite
By A. Dicting
This movie is amazing and I love it. Would recommend.