

By Elliot Lester

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2017-04-07
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: Elliot Lester
  • Production Company: Voltage Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 94 Ratings


Roman's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) life is changed forever the day he loses his wife and daughter in a plane crash. The same is true for the air traffic controller (Scoot McNairy) who inadvertently caused the accident; devastated, he moves away from his own family and assumes a new identity. Both men attempt to move on from the tragedy -- but Roman soon finds that he cannot live with his new reality, and without confronting the man responsible.




  • Sad Career...sad movie

    By Kohoman
    Arnold has done so little with so much opportunity and this film is just another example.
  • Worst movie Arnold ever made

    By Gooddayeveryone
    Totally 100% predictable movie, even your kid sister in diapers could predict this movie the whole way thru. I mean every single minute of the film. Its a fifteen minute short stretched out for an agonizing two hours. This is like sitting in a coach seat for a one hour flight that was delayed on the tarmac for 8 hours and they wont let you off the plane! Arnold i love you but please choose your movies more wisely! Worst film you ever made, but mostly due to bad script amd director. You were ok.
  • Arnie Emotes

    By North Fork Viewer
    This would be OK if researched a little better. Tower controls are better than this. To get into this one you have to suspend belief almost completely,miscue in the tower no way, running the guy out of town not happening, going nuts unlikely, etc. Even so, I think we all can agree that the governorship helped Arnie's acting.
  • Depressing

    By Queezon
    Arnold is great, but the story is just too depressing.
  • Emotional

    By Mjf387
    Great acting by Arnold. This film makes you feel for both Characters. It is a sad movie though, but not all movies can be upbeat. That's what makes this film good.
  • Good story

    By Beeneverywhere
    This movie is based on a collision at 30,000ft it's a great documentary on air disasters!
  • An Emotional Powerhouse

    By BarrettTB
    Arnold and Scoot both give dramatic and heartbreaking performances as you follow both men down a path of emotional crippling. You see the tragedy through both of their eyes and are unsure of who is truly in the wrong by the time the credits role. This film is not perfect, but Arnold gives one of if not the best performance of his career, and all of this is roped off by a superb direction and heartfelt dialogue. You feel for each character and sympathize with the pain their going through. Surly one of the years best.

    By jolzarjr
    Good movie to watch and recommend
  • Decent Movie

    Slow at times, but overall a decent movie. I thought Arnold did very well. I wouldn't mind seeing him in more of these roles. This movie is sure to please his fan base.

