A psychological horror, Haunting of the Queen Mary explores the mysterious and violent events surrounding one family’s voyage on Halloween night in 1938, and their interwoven destiny with another family onboard the infamous ocean liner present day.
By Akcjr79
They are completely foul for even releasing this crap. The storyline was so all over the place. The way the midget boy was snatched up was my highlight. lol
Waste of time and money
By Movie buff John
The movie was so disappointing and my and I like to watch horror movies. It’s was hard to keep up with the plot bouncing back and forth from one time period to another. We tried to finish but finally just turned it off. We felt stupid for renting it. Don’t make the same mistake!!!
Didnt Float my Boat * * *
By Turki$h
Despite the abundance of scare scenes and admittedly impressive scenery, i found the entire thing really hard to follow. It seemed really disjointed and didnt seem to flow? The story concept is good as to was the acting but i just found myself constantly checking the time in the hope that something happened that made sense, or better still the thing would finish. Not the worst horror but definely not the best either. Its almost 2 hours long....you have been warned.