Angel Heart

Angel Heart

By Unknown

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 1987-03-06
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 53min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: Winkast Film Productions
  • Production Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
From 1,558 Ratings


Harry Angel, a down-and-out fifties Brooklyn gumshoe, takes us on a journey of violence and murder that canvasses the desperate streets of Harlem, smoke-filled jazz clubs of New Orleans, and ultimately to voodoo rituals in the sweltering swamps of Louisiana. "Angel Heart"... A truly unsettling film experience.




  • Mickey rourke

    By Dominiquesacdac
    Is this a horror movie? I haven't watched it yet but mickey rourke is without a doubt my favorite actor and this movie got a lot of positive reviews especially on his amazing performance. I don't dare watching the exorcism or any kind of devil movie so is it worth it that i watch this one? Plz respond
  • Great Modern Classic Thriller

    By midtwnscott
    I saw this years ago in the theater and loved it. It is deeply disturbing and extraordinarily intense. This is a thriller, not a horror film. The story is and characters are well developed and fleshed out and there a sense of realism about them. Wonderfully produced, outstanding quality. Best performance Mickey Rourke ever did and Robert DeNiro is total concentration. It's not "chop em up" movie and requires the viewer to pay attention - too many subtle clues can be missed if you don't. I think what sent shivers up and down my spine the most was DeNiro's character and the utter calm, politeness, erudition, and well mannered and cultured; and yet, his character drips pure evil. There is no bombast, that's left to Mickey Rourke, and given who DeNiro portrays that adds to the overall effect. I cannot speak to the iTunes version as I have had this in my library for years. Well worth renting at the very least - but this is not a kid's film, it's purely adult.
  • Lesser known classic

    By grimsonia
    This film never quite got the publicity it deserved. It is miles above the Friday the 13th types of horror movies of the 80's and also better quality than the majority of horror films today. This film actually wants to be good unlike many that just show gore and have no real story line or character development like The Saw schlock. Rourke is excellent and the setting is realistic. It truly gives you a gritty feel of being there.
  • Angel Heart

    By NOLA Handmedown
    It's pretty good - Rourke and Deniro are both excellent, and it's beautifully filmed - it captures the look and feel of New Orleans in that era superbly. But honestly, it doesn't do justice to Falling Angel, the William Hjortsberg novel on which it's based - Parker follows the story closely, but the novel is set entirely in New York, with the overt supernatural elements centered around Harlem. It's this contrast - Harlem is seen as almost a foreign country within New York - that deepens the unsettling nature of the story. The film's choice to move the majority of the story to New Orleans (which at the time the film was made, possessed a sort of trendy exoticism) seems to me to be the film's main failing. Read the book, and you'll see what I mean - it's basically a story of cultural contradictions within a single city, rather than the story of the cultural differences between two different cities - a much more interesting perspective, frankly. And it's scary as hell to boot.
  • Watch this movie!

    By Ceharr
    This was one of the most frightening movies ever! It has been 20 years since the last time I viewed it and I still get shivers.
  • Scary, seedy and disturbing

    By StephenC
    If you like Cat People and the Devil's Advocate, you'll like this movie. It's scary, seedy and disturbing. Rourke does a great acting job. When it was originally released, Lisa Bonet was still famous as the TV daughter of Bill Cosby, so her role as a poor New Orleans girl who practices voodoo created a stir, particularly the sex scene with Rourke, which is bizarre to say the least. There are several murders in the movie, and unlike many horror shows with a higher body count, these seem more real. The characters are fully developed, so each death is not like in Friday the 13th, but appears to be the loss of a living, breathing human. The movie captures the spirit of New Orleans, including the disturbing and dark side. The movie is not for everyone, and is more intense than many other R rated movies.
  • Edge of your Seat!

    By D Street Films
    A true thriller in every sense of the word. Just like a good book, you have to pay attention to the story being told. Mickey Rourke delivers an amazing performance, just as he has done in many of his great performances, I would put this one above even his current work as The Wrestler. Which was amazing as well. Demetrius
  • Incredible! A Thriller Like None Other!

    By holdtheghost
    Angel Heart is the king of all the corkscrew plot, shocker-ending films. We are quickly drawn to the film, as it has a dark tone and a noir style of building tension. Rourke is excellent, humorous, pitiful, and engaging, just as is de Niro as his employer. Plotline (in a nutshell)- Robert de Niro hires Rourke to find a missing employee, a musician with whom he had a 'contract'. As Rourke searches for the possibly amnesiac missing man, murders begin to turn up all around him, and he realizes he's in too deep and can't get out! Truly one of the great American films, this is a must for any movie buff!
  • Angel Heart

    By bazoookajoe77777
    Great movie! Alot of suspense and thrills! One of my all time favorite movies. Mickey Rourke is great. The only thing is that it skips and plays like crap! It makes the movie almost worthless and very unwatchable. DO NOT BUY from APPLE!!!!! their quality is p**s poor to say the least. Find a quality provider if you would like to add this great movie to your collection.
  • Not much of a horror movie

    By sgt slaughter802
    The last five minutes of this movie can be labeled horror, but the majoirity of the film is a mystery with some decent twists and a big one at the end. I BOUGHT this movie thinking it would be a horror movie, due to the written reviews, however, it's not really what I had in mind. Still looking for that one very scary movie. Thought I struck gold, but it was anything but. Should've gone under "Thriller".

