Predator 2

Predator 2

By Stephen Hopkins

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1990-11-21
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 48min
  • Director: Stephen Hopkins
  • Production Company: Davis Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,374 Ratings


Danny Glover stars in this electrifying sequel as a police lieutenant grappling with a pileup of mangled bodies found by his officers. But instead of being the work of feuding gangs, as he first thought, the vicious slayings have been perpetrated by a deadly, invisible alien creature. Now, not only is the alien in the urban jungle of Los Angeles – the lieutenant is its next intended target!




  • First time seeing a bush

    By jsnooks@denver
    I went into the movie as still just a kid, but left a man.
  • Massively Underrated

    By Frankenheimer#789
    This movie gets so much hate and I can’t understand why. It’s a perfect campy, bloody follow up to Predator. It never tries to be Predator, either, it is very happy being it’s own thing, which is sort of a sci-fi buddy cop movie where Danny Glover fights an alien that skins people for the love of the game.
  • People... smh *Spoilers Ahead*

    By Dont care what you THINK.
    1- It take place in an urban area and the Predator is targeting LA Gangs of all kinds. Yes, Danny Clover gets caught up in it when his best friend a cop like him is killed by the Predator. The beginning part of the movie the Predator is observing a street war between a gang and cops. He sees Danny Glover charge at them in his car, 1 vs 20 scenario. However, the Predator decides to target the gang members and NOT Danny Clovers character. Making this Predator a little different compared to the other one. The one flaw though which does make me cringe is that, if Danny Clover’s partner never got himself killed by the Predator in the first place, Danny Clover would’ve never saw out revenge against the Predator. It’s a good film and a great sequel however, if you’re expecting Arnold to pop up not going to happen. I gave it 5 stars because it was very bold and a risk to make it and the cast is amazing. Basically read the comics of some knowledge that the Predator doesn’t always appear in a vast jungle... a Predator can be anywhere....
  • Underrated

    By 0v3rL0rd8790
    I don't know why critics rated this movie so poorly. Obviously the original is the best, but i really enjoyed this movie. Rip Kevin Peter Hall and Bill Paxton
  • Really not bad. Don’t believe the ratings

    By JoeNobody2988
    Not sure why this movie is rated so low. I saw this as a kid and thought it was a great sequel to the original. Of course, it’s not as good as the first especially with no Arnie! All in all Danny Glover, Bill Paxton, the new predator, better special effects, new jungle and a sneak leak at the AVP franchise! Compared to the other Predator movies, this one beats them all hands down.
  • Pretty solid

    By SugarSkrull256
    Not the best one in the series, but pretty solid. Worth the watch.
  • Its ok

    By Rambo8649
    This is definitely not as good as the first movie. That being said, its an ok movie with high production value, and it looks incredible in 4k. Also, Danny Glover does a really good job in the lead.
  • Best of the series

    By Stabier
    This is easily the best of the series. With it being set in LA it is much more interesting than even the first predator movie and much better than Predators (2010)

    By Drew Pfeffer
    The actors may not be as memorable as Arnald in the original, but this one has plenty of memorable moments. If you liked the first, you'll like the second.
  • Best Predator film yet!

    It is the perfect "Predator" film. Predator 2 adds soo much to the Yautja character's mythology; the Elder and the Tribe, the awesome new weapons, the amazing ship and it's interior. Not to mention the awesome performance by Danny Glover, Bill Paxton and the rest! Predator 2 is easily my favorite Predator film!

