A despondent former tennis pro finds work as a school janitor and ends up coaching the tennis team.
By Hal567jordan16
Good movie for time
Have it
By Rynrach4
Have the movie been a long time since I've seen it but an awesome movie and I just loved it. It's super funny and on of the guys or girl said it was horrible but I think it was hilarious.
gary rules
By kennvalra
this movies is the best ,crazy and funny,loved it.
Best Movie Ever.
By damian_jag
Love it.
Maybe the funniest movies I've seen in awhile and for the people that dislike this movie are blinded by the propaganda Hollywood brainwashes you with
stupid, but somehow hilarious
By ChevChelios13
this movie was so stupid that whenever its on tv, i watch it. its actually really funny, but really stupid. i do recommend seeing it once.
Stiffler 10 years later
By NeWaGe50
So as you know. Stiffler the idiot of American Pie, is a total Dbag. What happen to Dbags after high school. They move to lincoln, Nebraska, as a janitor for a sleezy school, and coach a tennis team. Excellent acting of Shawn William Scott. He plays the role of a complete loser perfectly, and is a great movie to watch.
Now It's Personal...
By T Pringle
I know that a lot of you people didn't enjoy this movie but i personally know the writer and the basic story behind the movie. Sure, you can tell that "Hollywood" added its little bells and whistles to it ,but for a amateur writer from Lincoln Nebraska to be writing movies, that's HUGE! This is the biggest thing to come out of Nebraska since Andy Roddick and Kool-Aid. Oh ,and unless you've written a movie and had it filmed, you should probably give props to where they are deserved. Just saying.
that one line
By captain cocker
what is it that the girl says to him when he asks which one of those cowboys shes bangin?
Good Job for a low budget
By Ruff624
its is not the best movies I have ever seen more of a rent that a buy. But they did try their tails off.