Psycho II

Psycho II

By Richard Franklin

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 1983-06-03
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 52min
  • Director: Richard Franklin
  • Production Company: Universal Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 647 Ratings


Psycho II is the terrifying sequel to one of the most suspenseful films of all time, Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. Anthony Perkins makes a horrific homecoming in his role as the infamous Norman Bates, who after years of treatment at a mental institution for the criminally insane, still can't quite elude the demands of "Mother." Vera Miles also returns as the inquisitive woman who is haunted by her sister's brutal murder and the ominous motel where it all occurred. Meg Tilly and Dennis Franz co-star in this fiendish chiller.




  • Poorly Written!

    By workitgeek
    The story is mostly ridiculous. The acting is vague and did I say the story was sickly unbelievable!
  • Surprisingly Awesome!!

    By TheGamer109999999
    Psycho II isn’t as good as Psycho... BUT, it is still amazing. Great twists and turns, some really fun and awesome kills, the ending was just a bit confusing. Other than that, PERFECT!!!💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️
  • Alright!!

    By Dan540830
    Since I couldn't give it 4.5 stars, then I had to give it 5 stars, just as well, Tony Perkins is so believeable in this roll, if anyone who sees this and the 1st Psycho, to really appreciate Perkins acting ability, should try to find and see the movie entitled "Fear Strikes Out", about a baseball player who suffers a similar ordeal as Norman, and is a true story of a young man pushed over the edge by a domineering father, I forget the players name but the title is accurate. The young man is also played by Perkins. Oh, and isn't the gorgeous Meg Tilly great!!
  • A Must See

    By Blahndeee
    What a twisted story line, and I loved it!! Perkins is perfect!
  • The best one

    By fanypack00
    Psycho 2 is the best in the series.
  • The first one

    By Nicki minaj pop
    I don't really care that much about this one but the first one payed the way for the 70's ,80's 90's 00's and today
  • GOOD

    By Jsrollend
    I like the 2nd better than the 1st :) The characters are more developed in this one and the whole "love interest" keeps it more interesting.
  • Chilling

    By Sgghhsfjbx
    Give you two things.... chills and nightmares
  • Awesome

    By monica48
    Great sequel, i was so shocked at the end!

