Wednesday, Season 1

Wednesday, Season 1


  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2022-11-22
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 9
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 19.99
From 8,866 Ratings


Director Tim Burton has his series debut in this creepy and kooky series that follows Wednesday Addams' misadventures as a student at Nevermore Academy: a very unique boarding school snuggled in deepest New England. Jenna Ortega stars.


Title Time Price
1 Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe 55:50 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Woe Is the Loneliest Number 46:44 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Friend Or Woe 46:09 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Woe What a Night 47:31 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 You Reap What You Woe 49:51 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Quid Pro Woe 48:07 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 If You Don’t Woe Me By Now 45:32 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 A Murder of Woes 50:03 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Wednesday, Season 1 Trailer 02:22 Season Only Buy on iTunes



  • a fairly good iteration of the Addams Family imo

    By rumba38
    Just found out this was available for purchase and omg thank god it is. I’ve been wanting to buy this since the show released for streaming. Thank you! Also, for anyone interested and atm, the show is also getting a physical dvd and Blu-ray release in March 2024. I collect Addams Family merch and I was worried this show wasn’t gonna be available for purchase so I’m extremely grateful it’s finally available outside of streaming! — [ SOME SPOILERS HERE ] Pros: atm this is the most serious take on the characters and I think it was executed pretty well. Jenna Ortega did a wonderful job portraying this version of Wednesday—I love and appreciate how much care and respect she has for the character. One of the strongest highlights for me was Wednesday’s relationship with Enid; I love their relationship and I’m glad season 2 will focus more on them since they’re an interesting pair. Another thing I like is the amount of references from the 60s show and 90s films. — Cons: The writing for the overall story and some characters could’ve been better. The weakest part imo is the “love triangle” which doesn’t seem like one since Wednesday never had any romantic interest in either potential partner. It also unfortunately took up a big chunk of the show and that time could’ve been used for other more interesting stuff like giving viewers more of an insight on this version of the Addams clan. Also, the 2 love interests had no respect for Wednesday and the Addamses are all about respecting each other esp romantic partners (ex. Gomez and Morticia). So of course most viewers didn’t want Wednesday to end up with either boy. Basically, I’m glad the “love triangle” will be removed in season 2 and that the main focus will be on the stuff many ppl showed more interest in. Wanted to talk about this part mostly because it’s something a lot of ppl had issues with.
  • Reviews On All Of The Characters In Wednesday

    By DJHC12345674
    Wednesday(Jenna Ortega):Shes strong and independent.If She was stuck in a bad situation she’d always get out of her own,5 Stars.Xavier(Percy Hynes White):He’s a good artist and a good soul even when he’s falsely accused,5 Stars.Tyler(Hunter Doohan):He’s a sweetheart and kind before he was unlocked.3 Stars.Bianca(Joy Sunday):She’s kind at heart even though she’s the Queen Bee and they are known to be mean and manipulative.4 Stars.Ms.Weems(Gwendoline Christie):She died for the one thing she truly loved...Nevermore Academy and for that she gets an extra star.4 Stars.Ms.thornhill and or Laurel Gates.(Christina Ricci):Ms.Thornhill is a sweetheart but too bad she was under a mask.Im giving them 3 Stars.Thing(Victor Dorbantu):Thing is funny,open minded and sweet.He helps Wednesday whenever she needs it.5 Stars. Thank you for reading this and my favorite character is Thing. Now you will know how the characters operate in the show thank you!
  • I love you Xavier!!!!!!!

    By hannah jean sandoval
    I was huge fan of Xavier because he is my favorite character from Wednesday I saw his amazing paintings I love his paintings and drawings I wish Xavier will draw me his drawings. My cousin loves Wednesday she did watch it. Thank you Percy Hynes White if you hear me I was huge fan with you I love you as a fan 🤗 💙🤗 great job on the Netflix!!! Oh Percy I want to met you so bad because I want to met you Percy Team Percy Hynes White!!!! Team Xavier!!!!! And I have friend of my her name is Jane my friend Jane and I we are talking about Rumors and False Allegations if you want to join with me I will say that to you if you want to enjoy us Percy my friend Jane and I we will talk with you you are in got it sounds good take care
  • Wednesday Rocks!!!

    By Jesse Ingham
    I don’t know how many times I’ve watched this show, but it’s at least 10 times by now 😂 this is a great show, I love the vibes, I love how Jenna Ortega portrayed Wednesday, and every time I watch it, I spot something new that I didn’t notice before 😊 my family knows by know, that Wednesday is one of my favourite shows!!! 🥳
  • Excellent

    By Tygadude
    Characters were very well played and it definitely kept my interest
  • Total Gothic Fun

    By Applehead2214
    Tim Burton in his TV series debut takes an iconic character into her teen years and turns her into a hero for individualists and freaks everywhere. Wednesday Adams suffers no fools and takes no prisoners. Self-identified enemy of normie culture and protector of weaker sibling, Pugsley, her brutal campaign against her brother’s tormentors gets her booted out of school. Loving parents, Gomez and Morticia, use their influence to get their headstrong daughter admitted to Nevermore Academy where they met and fell in love. Nevermore caters to unusual students that don’t fit in regular schools. Denizens of the supernatural world all send their children here. Wednesday doesn’t care. She never met a potential friend that she couldn’t effectively alienate. To help her acclimate to the new environs, her parents send old family servant and friend, Thing. There’s nothing like a disembodied hand to watch your back. As Wednesday navigates the worlds of school politics, friendships and romance, she involves herself in an old and deadly secret that seems to be killing off the students. Determined to anger and frustrate her principal and the town sheriff, Wednesday plunges ahead with her investigations regardless of anyone else’s opinions. Fun, fast-paced, never boring, entertaining.
  • Wensday

    By Idk then bro
    This was an okay show.I think it needs a little more of work on it but it’s fine.some of the parts look a little fake like the monsters and stuff.i think you shouldn’t watch this show if you really like the old one. I also think you should watch it if you are really really really this is what I think
  • My review of the movie Wednesday character episode season

    By charlie elvis welton
    It’s a wonderful movie so far just bought it a few minutes ago watched about 5 minutes and love it I consider you people to watch this movie best fantastic movie I seen
  • A really great show

    By cdmr9816
    I have watched season one several times and am looking forward to season two.
  • Best Show !!!

    By eljohnnyyboyy
    Highly recommended it..

