

By Peter Landesman

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2015-12-25
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 3min
  • Director: Peter Landesman
  • Production Company: Village Roadshow Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,565 Ratings


Will Smith stars in Concussion, a dramatic thriller based on the incredible true David vs. Goliath story of American immigrant Dr. Bennet Omalu, the brilliant forensic neuropathologist who made the first discovery of CTE, a football-related brain trauma, in a pro player and fought for the truth to be known. Omalu’s emotional quest puts him at dangerous odds with one of the most powerful – and beloved – institutions in the world.





    By Serg-Chris
    I guess many of the reviewers flagging down the movie, either forget that this is not a work of fiction or do not understand the complex cultural interplay running through the dramatization of the events. Dr Omalu, obviously, man of deep convictions, went through untold emotional and psychological pains as he battled with the shock of the Science community’s initial failure to come to his rescue, thus betraying her tribe. Secondly, he faced all alone, the wrath of organized interest groups fighting to protect their pocket. But as I said earlier, the movie, or rather the story, concludes as a win win situation for everybody and party. Credit goes to Will Smith for undertaking to play a lead role as Dr Omalu, an outstanding intellectual coming face to face to an America tainted by greed and money politics. This does not put America in any bad light because that is what obtains in every country where people transact business. At the end, it all ends well. The Football League has since made necessary adjustments that have led to safer games, and Medical Science came boldly forward to acknowledge her errors of silence and connivance, and in 2016 awarded him the highest honor through AMA (American Medical Association): THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD! Some of the things that actually make America great. So proud to be an American!
  • Must watch if you or family member played football

    By Ray Semple
    Outstanding movie and anyone who played football or wants their kids to play football (or whose kids played football) should watch - as “getting your bell rung” = getting a concussion. Will Smith and Alec Baldwin were fantastic in their rolls. Mike Webster, the famous center of the Pittsburgh Steelers and the story of him losing his mental capabilities on top of his body being beat up after all the years in the trenches of contact football is truly an eye opening story.
  • this stinks

    By Boll Weevill
    this movie is more of a dang love story than about concussions and mike webster!!! what’s wrong, no one studies any history?... this contrived flick just pukes out junk ??? Mike Webster’s story is the most powerful abuse of power and politics within the 80s NFL... before it became such the corporate empire it is now. too bad there are no writers or producers with nads sufficient to tell it like it was (who the heck wants to watch more movies with Will Smith’s love interests???!) jerks!!!!
  • Wow!

    By Ryi1988
    This movie is great. Will Smith did a amazing job with this. He really played to part. He even changed his voice to sound like the doctor. It was a great movie. I recommend it.
  • Great!

    By Tracy6778
    Better than I expected! Every football player should have to watch this movie along with their parents! Some things just aren’t worth it!
  • Need to see

    By Zoeypaigemore2000
    I love it. His voice and the story was amazing.
  • Okay

    By robot626
    Not that good
  • Excellent

    By Brentvought22
    great movie
  • A very important film

    By Furutan1
    This film should be required viewing for every adult, parent, and child involved in football. Period. Regardless of the millions spent by the NFL to refute and undermine the research and finding, the facts remain that Americans are addicted to an activity that destroys other human beings. It should be noted that Dr. Omalu's humanitarian fight did not end with sports-related forensics. In 2017 he was fired from his forensics job by a corrupt coronorer who was also the chief of law enforcement; the reason being that Omalu repeatedly refused to alter a series of his pathology reports that revealed physical abuse of suspects (including the direct cause of death) at the hands of police officers.
  • Amazing

    By ConcussedPerson
    Informative and entertaining, this film shinned a light on an important topic many people still do not fully understand.

