Disease Reversal Hope! is a feature length documentary that brings to life the stories of those facing a hopeless future of chronic disease, and shares the discovery of hope found in the foods that led them to a disease-free, vibrant life!
By Adasud
Love this film, the evidence based method that these individuals and doctors discuss is rooted in the medical literature and peer reviewed research. While yes, they are anecdotal since these are individual stories that is in no way discrediting to the mountains of evidence that this lifestyle is likely to lead the majority of people towards incredible health and healing. If you or someone you know struggles with their health, watch this movie and then look further into the lifestyle. It might help you recapture the experience of feeling fully alive
Anti-science, unrealistic hogwash
By An actual, AMA-licensed doctor
This film tries to use anecdotes to disprove evidence, and a few heartwarming stories of self-diagnosed remission to justify rejecting modern medicine in favor of the idea that by changing your diet, you can cure yourself of all sorts of chronic and even degenerative diseases. There are many such charlatans peddling such "cures" to those who feel hopeless in the face of reality, and we usually call them "scam artists".