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The Sting - Movie - TVDorks
The Sting

The Sting

By George Roy Hill

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 1973-12-25
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 2h 9min
  • Director: George Roy Hill
  • Production Company: Universal Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,640 Ratings


Winner of 7 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, The Sting stars Paul Newman and Robert Redford as two con men in 1930s Chicago. After a friend is killed by the mob, they try to get even by attempting to pull off the ultimate "sting." No one is to be trusted as the twists unfold, leading up to one of the greatest double-crosses in movie history. The con is on!




  • Just Great

    By Gregg Thurman
    What more can be said than I’ve watched The Sting about a dozen times, and enjoyed it just as much each time.

    By The way we truly are
    I'll make it simple, if you liked Ocean's Eleven, you will LOVE The Sting. It is truly a great movie with twists and turns throughout, IT WON"T LET YOU DOWN and Paul Newman and Robert Redford are at their best!!

    By Person of Few Words
    Paul Newman and Robert Redford are always perfect together. They made this movie what it is.
  • The Sting

    By Elias David
    Im sure this is one of the best film in the History. Its the best from Universal
  • Fun to watch

    By Sjmobley
    I've seen it 4 times already this year. I would say I've seen it close to 40 times.
  • 10 stars

    By qw
    I'm 12 and I feel this must be one of if not the best movie ever made and it deserves another oscar
  • classic

    By NCMichael
    if you haven't seen this or it's been years, see it again....easy-going, fun, creative and two of the grerat actors of our time.
  • my favorite

    By Fuzzy628
    i love movies - own nearly 800 and this is easily my favorite. yeah i'm a little old school, but only after this movie changed my perspective. At the very least rent it, if you are disappointed I would be very surprised.
  • The Sting still rocks!

    By Seamus45
    Newman and Redford in their glory days! The film still works on many levels, still has the power to draw the viewer in. I had not seen this film since its original release in theaters, but even though I remembered the basic plot and some of the details, it was still a good viewing experience. The sets, clothing, and attention to correct period detail were outstanding, and the casting and acting were excellent. The characters (especially Newman as the ace conman Gondorff and Shaw as the murderous villain Lonnigan) were well drawn and convincing. Well worth a look, even if you've seen it before, and for those who haven't decidedly worth the viewing!
  • Memories now and to come!

    By Furry 6
    My dad showed me this movie when I was 11 and instatly added this to one of my favorite movies. Great twist, great plot, and great acting. No one can be the same as Paul Newman.

