By Prophet Amos
Kevin Smith made a great movie. Rotten Tomatoes is full of balony and they are the new Communist PC Police, they shoud not be trusted or believed. I have not trusted their reviews for over twenty years.
This is how all movies should be!
By rickychecko
One of the best movies ever watched. It's funny as hell and I would like to see a sequel come out! If you never watched this movie before, you should definitely Buy/Rent it.
By Fastfive427
Best movie ever!!!
I don't understand the bad reviews
By Total cheapskate
The movie had a ridiculous sophmoric humor, which granted some people can't handle, the gambits were excellent considering its brand of humor with it's clever deliveries and absurd punch lines
By Enything90
I love it
Seen it hundreds of times
By Awesumdudey
All people who think otherwise don't have a sense of humor. In not sorry, it's the truth.
not as good as i thought it would be
By LL93
I really didn't enjoy this movie at all. I had high expectations for it but it wasn't funny, and I got bored towards the end. It lacked character development, and the plot felt forced. I laughed a few times but mostly at seann william scott's character who unfortunately only had about 10 minutes of screen time out of the whole movie. I was left unsatisfied...wouldn't recommend it.
Loveeeee it
By Jazzy jar
Very funny
By 0000222
This Movie is super funny!
Aseome movie!
By Joker1333
Very funny movie!