

By Denis Villeneuve

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2011-04-22
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 10min
  • Director: Denis Villeneuve
  • Production Company: TS Productions
  • Production Country: Canada, France
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,815 Ratings


In the highly-acclaimed suspense thriller Incendies, a mother's dying wish creates a painful puzzle her children are forced to solve. At the reading of their mother's will, twins Jeanne and Simon are given instructions to locate the father they believed was dead and the brother neither knew existed. They travel to the Middle East, to piece together the story of the woman who brought them into the world only to make a shocking discovery.




  • A real treat

    By strxer
    I need to forget everything I liked about this film, that way I can rewatch it with a blank slate. The pleasure will be all mine.
  • Keeps You Guessing

    By gamboolman
    Very good mystery. Do recommend
  • devastatingly marvelous film

    By papababoo
    I never thought that one could call a thriller heartbreaking. This movie is so well done, the story so complex and unflinchingly realistic, that I was on the edge of my seat throughout.
  • an intense and painful journey

    By Mrmattmaler
    I almost turned this off about four times, it was just difficult to watch and I felt really tired by the time I turned it on - rental was set to expire. But I am really glad I stayed with it. I am trying to catch up with Denis Villeneuve's work, and this is really intense and gritty and realistic, and very hard to say I 'enjoyed' it ... you'll see what I mean. But it is in the end so well made, it earns the 5 Stars hands down. Wonderful work by unknown actors, very compelling story, and yes - what can one expect in a world trashed by war where morals and minds are wrecked by events and painful decisions made on a daily basis.
  • You Will Not See Where This Is Going!! Mind Boggling.

    By Tranque
    Although the pace is slow throughout, it is do compelling you're totally invested at every point in this movie. Some reviews complain about the lack of accuracy or an insensitivity to the geo-political aspect of this film. I say no film is detailed enough or long enough to even begin to do that the justice it deserves. Nor is that the point of this film I don't think. Just sit back and enjoy an incredibly engaging storyline.
  • Accurate & amazing

    By tarek307
    This movie is a must see...suspenseful and historically accurate- the atrocities committed by the Christian & Muslim Lebanese to each other were brutal in this time- Basically the conflict started because Israel occupied Palestine & the Palestinians lived in refugee camps in Lebanon- They started attacking Israel from there and also causing problems for the Lebanese/ The Lebanese nationalists wanted the Palestinians out/ but the Muslim Lebanese sympathized w the Palestinians and this is where the civil war started/ Both sides were brutal and it wasn't just Muslim CS Christian- The Christian militias and Muslim militias internally slaughtered each other as well...
  • Incendies

    By Mybabychanel
    Quite touching! One of the best movies ever!
  • Make it a rental!

    I'd love to see this movie again but I need a rental which seems to have disappeared.
  • A great movie - But at times excruciating

    By Ebc7171
    really great movie at times it is very difficult to watch.
  • Great movie

    By Great_katelee
    I cried a lot while watching this movie. It's so so sad story but great.

