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WarGames - Movie - TVDorks


By John Badham

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1983-06-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 52min
  • Director: John Badham
  • Production Company: Sherwood Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,918 Ratings


A teenager, bored by traditional high school subjects like biology but fascinated by computers, accidentally taps into the Pentagon's top-secret computer...the USA's NORAD system. He starts what he innocently believes is a computer game called "Global Thermonuclear War," but the "game" is real. The Pentagon's best minds cannot shut down or reprogram the supercomputer that is readying a missile attack against the USSR, and thereby unleash Armageddon. The teen and his girlfriend attempt to aid the helpless Pentagon and, in a frantic race against a ticking "doomsday clock," try to persuade the computer to end the "game."




  • Unintentionally hysterical movie

    By Indiana Goof
    For those of us who were there when this movie first came out - and were tech savvy enough to understand what was going on it it - this movie was unintentionally hilarious simply because it got so much so wrong! ;) Such as the major clincher that destroyed the essence of the entire picture, that ol’ “SCANNING WITH THE ACOUSTIC MODEM”. Ahhh, I did it all the time, didn’t you? XD XD XD And how SAM had its part in our national defense system? And how about the fact that it only spoke the incoming data and not what that twit Dave typed? And when it did speak, it only spoke the major lines that the director wanted to improvise (and all, apparently, without a “Sayit” program loaded into his terminal? And the high school password and where they kept it? And the Seattle school district computer was so rinky dink that all you had to do was type in a name and then move the cursor around? XD XD XD And what baud was Dave’s modem at? That mother spewed out at about 2000, or something to that effect! And his printer was keeping up, or was it? I could go on and on, but it’s all just so goofy! It’s still hard to believe the damage this movie instantly did to the whole Computer Whiz image, what with the ignorant press all working up a mass fake hysteria that we kids were all supposedly going to cause WWIII with our computers, so much so that the minute the delightfully entertaining hit TV adventure show “The Whiz Kids” came on, both paid critics and the press went into mass hysteria mode to cancel and bury it (a program I wish with all my heart iTunes - or anybody, for that matter - would release for purchase). But still, it IS a time capsule. Watching it works two ways: both as a time-capturing moment of the awesome 80s, and as a remarkably ridiculous statement of how paranoid and ignorant far too many adults were at the time.
  • 💻💻💻

    By amandax345
    AMAZING TAKE ON COMPUTERS AND GAMES! Matthew shines in this role!
  • Classic movie

    By SVK 72
    Very much enjoyed. Prompted me to join USAF after high school. Would appreciate iTunes making available for purchase the so-called theme/end title song that we hear just as the movie ends and credits begin rolling down the screen. I believe it was composed by Arthur Rubinstein. It was titled “Edge of the World” or something like that. Some people have claimed that Crosby, Stills, and Nash contributed to the making of that song. In any case, no matter how it came to be, please make the original version available. No fake knock offs. And no, it’s not available under “movie theme songs” or “Arthur Rubinstein “ although many of his works are available including some other movie theme song stuff.
  • WarGames

    By Intergalaga
    This movie is so ahead of its time. It is still one of my favorite movies in 2018.
  • Has Aged Well

    By Vid Hardt
    Names on maps may change but the fundamentals of the Cold War have not, as movies like Dr. Strangelove and WarGames prove. In many ways this is the Dr. Strangelove of the '80s aimed at teens, but without human extinction at the end. Matthew Broderick's comic timing keeps the tone of this thriller cheerful, and Ally Sheedy is a great foil for him here. John Wood and Barry Corbin provide ballast and bombast that keeps the focus on the teens as the consequences unfold. Not a great film, but an essential cultural touchstone reminding us of the ever present shadow of doom that defines the nuclear age.
  • Great movie

    By Diz1200
    Thank you iTunes for adding this movie to the list. Keep the great movies coming at a good prices.
  • Pretty good!

    By JosiahMagnet
    Yes, I really liked this movie. I never grew up in the 80's, but luckily my mom explained everything technology-wise. The only problem I had with this movie was the acting. It wasn't the best acting in the world and I thought Matthew Broderick did better in FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF. But in any case, this is still a good movie to watch!
  • Great movie…terrible price

    By Obe
    Apparently Apple thought 9.99 was a steal for a 25 year old movie. Now its 14.99. Are you insane?
  • Only to rent?

    By Mayhone
    Why is this movie only to rent?!? I'd gladly pay $10-15 to own this classic. Come on iTunes. Please let me own this! :(
  • Rent only??

    By Fan too
    You could buy this movie not so long ago. What happened?! I would love to buy this movie, please give us the option to buy it! Awesome movie!

